Form Flags

Below is a list of the form-flags one can use on Dawn. There are two kinds, corpse-related flags and form-related flags.

Corpse-related Flags:

AedibleMobile can be eaten
BpoisonMobile is poisonous when eaten (should also be edible)
Cmagical*Mobile's magic nature causes strange effects when eaten
Dvanishes*Mobile vanishes after death (i.e. a wraith)
Eother*Mobile is not flesh and blood (defined by material type)

Form-related Flags:

GanimalMobile is a "dumb" animal
HsentinentMobile is capable of higher reasoning
IundeadMobile is an undead, and not truly alive at all
JconstructMobile is a magical construct, such as a golem
KmistMobile is a partially material mist
LintangibleMobile is immaterial (like a ghost)
MbipedMobile is bipedal (like a human)
NcentaurMobile has a humanoid torso, but a beast's lower body
OinsectMobile is an insect
PspiderMobile is an arachnid
QcrustaceanMobile is a crustacean (i.e. a crab or lobster)
RwormMobile is a worm, that is a tube-shaped invertebrate
SblobMobile is a formless blob (when used with mist, a cloud)
VmammalMobile is a mammal
WbirdMobile is a bird
XreptileMobile is a reptile (and should be cold-blooded)
YsnakeMobile is a snake (and should be a reptile)
ZdragonMobile is a dragon
aamphibianMobile is an amphibian (and should be able to swim)
bfishMobile is a fish (and should be able to swim)
ccold bloodMobile is cold-blooded, cannot be seen with infravision
dplantMobile is a plant actually
hhigh magicMobile is highly magical

* Not yet implemented